Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Community is a show I've started watching thanks to the endorsement by the Totally Rad Show and after a slow start where it looked like it would be pigeon holed as a B-List Comedy but getting into the second half and it has established itself as a very good show - one I will definitely continue to watch after I have exhausted the first season.

Primal Board Games!

The only one that comes to mind is Stone Age - a pretty cool game. Anyways that's not what we're here for. It's been quiet here since January and well I've been meaning to get back to it but I (for the short time at least) have the time, the motivation and something to actually blog about!

Yes, my twitter bio claims I am a blogger so I should either become one again, or change it - urgh, online profile updates are so lame...
I'd say there's been two big changes for me so far this year - a change to primal living and a dive into the hobby of board games.
Both kicked off at around the same time, late January and for the most part it's all gone very well and I will probably share more of these stories in the future.