Saturday, July 02, 2011

Fine + 2 pints

A song by the pretty awesome Minus the Bear, and right now, after having a few beers (umbrella term for any kind of alcohol) it seems fitting for the post.
It's weird but I get some small enjoyment from drinking alone, getting merry, watching some shows and laughing in my own company.
I find it strange that I feel more like myself, even in my own company, after a couple of beers, hence the post title, but I feel it's true.
I've always held the opinion that drink doesn't truly change you as a person, your inhibitions will drop, your reactions will slow but you're still essentially the same person that you were at the start of the night, with all the same wants, needs and drives.
I will admit that I've driven home with probably too much alcohol in my system - an illegal amount, but guess what, I never crashed and I never got close to crashing because I am a careful driver, I don't tailgate and I like to think that my anticipation is very good, I'm always scanning the road ahead, slowing in time and like my driving instructor said to me, making the task of driving as easy as possible.

Anyways, I feel like I'm getting away from the point. That's the danger of these "free writing" style posts. I sit down at the keyboard with a great idea, a hollow structure of a post and hoping that my fingers will be able to fill in the blanks.
I always held the opinion that drinking alone was a very sad venture but I've been doing it more and more recently and for the short-term it feels good to get a little more mouthy and animated at the TV. I haven't watched any tennis for many a year, but I tuned in to the last 6 or so games of the Nadal vs Murray match and was applauding great rallies and winning passing shots.
But then comes the outer body experience, and you notice yourself during the evening. What have I been doing this evening? I've had a few drinks and watched a load of TV all on my lonesome and in that moment of reflection I am saddened by how I may have wasted the evening, and there was probably something more productive I should have been doing.
It is good to let off steam every now and again, and I'm going to make the excuse that I "pretend" to be someone else at work which covers the majority of my week so maybe this is the only way to uncover my true self.
I am the only person that knows myself the best but obviously the only version that others see is the one expressed through my actions, my words and my body language (yeah!). I would be encroaching on the aforementioned "I need some new friends" post I was planning, but probably like a lot of people, an alcoholic drink can help you feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation. That makes it sound like I'm uncomfortable in my own home but I will protest that I only drink for that feeling of "power" you get (or at least I get) after a few. It is the reason why I started another can after midnight, and also why I'm contemplating starting another at this late hour - if I can maintain this feeling then I should do it no? I made that argument to my casual drug experiences - I was having/had a good time so I don't see why I wouldn't want to repeat that if the opportunity arised.
I'm trying to think or rather focus what this post was about. To sum it up I like to have the odd drink, and I need to validate this as a good thing - oh dear not sure where I was trying to go with this...
I think to sum up, if you want to know my true opinion, nothing held back, then buy me a pint or two and I'll tell you what I really think. With 0 pints I would most likely lie to your face and say "yeah that's great..." or something similar because I'm naturally a coward and wouldn't want to tell you what I really think for fear of you not liking me. After a few drinks, the same is still true, but I'll get to that happy plateau where I don't care if you don't like my opinion.

Here's hoping someone will buy me a drink and ask for a story (and really mean it)...